
Thanks a ton for joining the '〇〇したから0 Calories' event on the Diet Channel. All the entries were fantastic, and it was really tough to pick the winners. We're super excited to share the results with you! We got over 240 submissions this time—amazing!


・Top 3  Seasonal

スクリーンショット 2024-12-20 10.50.31.png

Among the prizes at the year-end party, the familiar phrase '0 calories' made an appearance... Could it be that a member from the diet channel is closer than we think? The idea sparks curiosity, doesn't it? The story of slyly probing without being caught adds a heartwarming touch too.

忘年会の景品に『0キロカロリー』という見慣れた文字が…?もしかして、ダイエットチャンネルにいるメンバーが意外と身近にいるのでは?と疑いたくなる場面でしたよね。 pen-penさんが、バレないように探りを入れたというお話も、なんだかホッコリしました!